GAAC Funding

Grants Awarded to GAAC

The GAAC applies for grants to help offset programming expenses, upgrade facilities, and deliver programs to the community. Unlike donations and sponsorships, grants are usually restricted to specific areas of use.

Here’s some of the recent grants GAAC has received and how we are using them. We also recieve grants from the Town of Teulon and the RM of Rockwood.

Manitoba Arts Council

Annual Operational Grant

Generously supported by Manitoba Arts Council.

​The Manitoba Arts Council is an arm’s-length agency of the Province of Manitoba, established in 1965 “to promote the study, enjoyment, production and performance of works in the arts.” MAC makes awards to professional arts organizations and individuals in all art forms including theatre, literature, dance, music, painting, sculpture, architecture or the graphic arts, and includes other similar creative or interpretative activity, including arts education. MAC uses a peer assessment process in making awards. Historically, the main criterion used to assess applications is artistic merit.

MAC is funded through Manitoba Sport, Culture and Heritage. MAC reports annually through the Minister of Sport, Culture and Heritage to the Provincial Legislature in its Annual Report , and board operations are audited annually.

Visit the Manitoba Arts Council Website

Family connections logo

Family Connections

2024/25 Funding

Funding provided for free preschool programming.

Healthy Together Now Intergenerational Programs

Healthy Together Now is a community-led, regionally coordinated and government supported, grassroots program to help prevent chronic disease in Manitoba. Projects are planned and led by individual communities while the Manitoba government and regional health authorities provide funding, support and training. The program operates in five regional health authorities and targets Manitobans who are most at risk for chronic disease in rural, urban, First Nations and Métis communities.

Program goals include:

  • supporting communities that lead prevention activities
  • encouraging organizations, communities, regions and governments to work together to help prevent chronic disease
  • building on and blending with existing prevention programs, and developing new ones
  • increasing communities’ knowledge and ability to run prevention programs for a variety of chronic diseases
RM of Rockwood Logo

RM of Rockwood

2024 Funding

Grant was for assisting with annual administration employee wages.

Town of Teulon Logo

Town of Teulon

2024 Funding

Funding provided to assist with staffing costs for our summer programming.

Canada Summer Jobs Grant

2024 Funding

8 positions for summer camp staff